Rafael Della Coletta

Ph.D. candidate at University of Minnesota


Wheat stem rust susceptibility genes

Brief description

During my Master's, I analyzed genomic data from Brachypodium distachyon to identify regions associated with non-host resistance to wheat stem rust. For this collaborative project, I built gene co-expression networks from wheat and Brachypodium transcriptomic data to link candidate susceptibility genes (identified by differential expression analysis) with their biological pathways. This approach allowed us to identify potential targets for future gene editing studies. Removing or modifying these putative susceptibility genes could result in a new way to generate wheat plants resistant to stem rust. The step-by-step of the network analysis can be found on this Github page.


R, python, UNIX


Identification of candidate susceptibility genes to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in wheat (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.657796)


Henningsen EC, Omidvar V, Della Coletta R et al.


Frontiers in Plant Science

(impact factor: 4.407)
